Our tool for all office management.

Invensol SAM is an intelligent space and asset manager system for managing people, devices and spaces effectively. It helps you create an agile workspace that continuously adapts to changes.

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Desk Booking

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Parking Space Booking

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Meeting Room Booking

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Asset Management

Our truly innovative solution supports the new way of working concepts to meet all the demands of a smart office

laptop and phone display app

Why choosing Invensol SAM?

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Space optimization

Optimizing the workplace could help you lower real estate costs while improve utilization.

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SAM helps you reduce utility and maintenance costs by optimizing space & asset usage.

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Build a cohesive community

SAM enables you to strengthen collaborative business culture.


Improve the well-being

Analyzing user preferences, providing flexible workplace models will positively affect employee experience.

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Make data-driven decisions

With SAM you will gain insights of the workspace utilization, understand tendencies and manage your assets more effectively.

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Enhance engagement

SAM helps you increase loyalty and retain your employees in long-term.

Looking for a demo? Interested in the features? Get in touch with us!

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